Who am I
I'm Ryan, a photographer from Doncaster. I know I've plastered "Sheffield" everywhere because, honestly, it's just easier than explaining where Doncaster is.
Originally, this section was full of photography jargon and passion statements, but it didn’t really feel like me so I'll try and make it through this without telling you how "photography is my passion".
Photography has been a lifelong love. I’ve captured just about everything in my life—on film, Polaroids, old cameras, new cameras, phones—you name it. My interest in capturing life’s moments has never faded. Sometimes, I wish life had stats so I could see just how many pictures I’ve taken. It’s probably in the millions, rivalled only by the amount of coffee I’ve consumed.
My work is about celebrating the uniqueness and individuality of people, highlighting that beauty comes in all forms and doesn’t require you to be a model. I know many of us have been in the situation where someone takes your picture and you immediately start critiquing yourself. My goal is to change that, so when you look at your photos, you absolutely love them. At the very least, I hope for one of those slow nods—the "I look good but I’m trying to stay modest" kind of nod. But, to be honest, I’m expecting a bit more enthusiasm!
Chances are you found me through social media so you've seen how I work, if not, head over to @ryankirkphoto on Instagram, give it a look, have a nosy at my FAQ's and Sevices page and when you're ready to get in touch, just reach out and we can have a chat!
”These pictures!!! I love them! You've done such a beautiful job, thank you!"